An Important Note on the Coronavirus and Silver State Baptist Youth Camp 2020
Dear Pastors and Friends,
I pray this letter finds you doing well and that your churches are getting back to full-time services and ministries. With a heavy heart, we are canceling the entire 2020 summer camp season at Silver State. Due to the strict conditions which the state is requiring overnight camps to adhere to, we are unable to open and host camp. This is probably one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make, especially since I have such little control in making it. It has been more difficult as we have had to wait and depend on outside sources in order to make a final decision. I know that you have also gone through this with your church during the COVID situation along with many other decisions you have had to make throughout your ministry. This year would have been the earliest that we start, therefore, next year everything will drop back a week. Our first week will be June 14, 2021. I will be in touch as to your week of camp with an early confirmation letter.
As you can imagine, this will be a huge financial difficulty for the camp. We will need about $200,000 to get through to the beginning of next summer. We have been strategic and have made many cost-cutting decisions, but we are still going to need your help. Outside of special projects, we have never asked for additional money from you to support the regular operations of the camp, and it is not an easy thing for me to do. We are asking you to pray and determine what the Lord would have you to do to support His work at Silver State. I know you may be struggling as well, but whatever the Lord leads you to do will be greatly appreciated. The number of young people saved through the years and the number who have surrendered their lives to preach and to be missionaries are many, and the impact the camp has had on the world will not be known until Glory. Please prayerfully consider sending a special love offering this year and then again after the first of the year. I will keep you informed when the need has been met. I also want you to know that we are not using any dining hall improvement money for daily operations.
If I can come to your church and present the camp, sing, and preach, I would be more than glad to do that. As a matter of fact, I would consider it a privilege. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your prayers and for your friendship. It is hard to believe that we have been here for 28 years. It has been a tremendous joy serving with my family at the camp and serving with you. We would like for you to also consider using the camp for retreats.
Your friend in Christ,
Jimmy Carter